
Facial Cosmetic Surgery

Face Lift

Brow Lift

Eye Lid Surgery

Nose Surgery / Rhinoplasty

Facial Implants

Fat Grafting / Micro Fat Injections

Ear Surgery / Otoplasty

Face and Neck Liposuction

Chin Implant Surgery

Fat Grafting / Micro Fat Injection

When we grow our underlying collagen and elastin begin to break down, and wrinkles appear. We also lead to losing some subcutaneous fat on our faces. This brings about a haggard, hollow, or also skeletal look. Dr. Raghu utilizes an advanced technique of fat grafting and micro-fat injection as a natural approach to restoring a youthful look to the face.

It is necessary to see that there is a precise science to fat grafting in terms of choosing which fat to harvest, fixing it for injection, determining how to inject and graft it, and having the strength to make it stable. The micro-fat grafting procedure requires a moderate fat removal process utilizing low-vacuum liposuction and the use of thin, gentle, non-traumatic cannulas to guard the survival of each harvested living fat cell. The fat cells are then filtered and slowly injected through little skin incisions into the tissue of the recipient site. Dr. Raghu has in-depth expertise in fat grafting to the face and has performed many of these operations with very natural results that do not make you look like a different person, but rather, young and bright and refreshed.

Dr. Raghu Explains

A broad range of patients is seeking specific plastic surgeons with expertise in the fat grafting area. These patients are concerned with the loss of fat in the face. It may be so subtle or intense, now in men or women, and can be found in younger or older people, but it’s always of great concern. I share this important concern with my patients, as loss of facial volume is easily noticeable and quickly takes one of the “roundness of youth.” It is very sensible that patients ask my help for this situation, regardless of the degree, and I can assist you with this issue.

Characteristics are typically sunken cheeks, very prominent cheekbones not covered by the general fat layer, small lips, hollowness, and sunken temples. It may be something earned at adolescence as the “baby fat” look fades. It may be due to weight loss or a history of the previous liposuction. The anatomy is essentially that of loss of the subcutaneous fat layer straight below the skin and above the muscles. It is also linked to the degree of looseness of the skin and your underlying bony foundations, so there are several different anatomic characteristics that must be investigated and addressed prior to your surgery. I will coordinate the characteristics of your anatomy with your expectations, formulate a plan with you, and guide you in this process. There are quite specific procedures for getting fat and grafting it into the right areas, and I will teach and explain all of this to you. Surgery requires a light general anesthetic and is done where I do surgery, which is in a hospital environment. The surgery is safe and predictable. It is planned and designed to be permanent, and it is. There is a mild to moderate degree of swelling after surgery. All of the stitches are tiny and will be removed in four to seven days with a return to work in as little as five to seven days and to some physical exercise workout in the second week.

There is a full art to fat grafting in names of which fat to harvest, how it is prepared, how it is vaccinated and grafted, and how to make it permanent. I have very expertise in the fat grafting to the face, and I have done in many of these operations with very natural results that do not make you look like a changed person, but rather, young and fresh and restored. I use to spend a great deal of time examining your anatomy, listening to your expectations, and defining for you what your anatomy and tissues will safely and predictably allow me to do. In addition, I consider your body as a whole and I build a method into every facial surgery that, initially, allows you to improve much more quickly and, secondly, shields your surgical results. This method involves a specific diet, special attention to blood clotting, vitamins, supplements, skin products, and knowing what to avoid. Together all of this enables me to generate results that are consistently very beautiful, fast to heal, and exceptionally natural. I use minimal incisions, particularly in the face, an area of such major concern. I am happy to surgically provide you with such great yet natural facial-image changes, ones that have so consistently pleased my patients and transformed their lives.

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