
Facial Cosmetic Surgery

Face Lift

Brow Lift

Eye Lid Surgery

Nose Surgery / Rhinoplasty

Facial Implants

Fat Grafting / Micro Fat Injections

Ear Surgery / Otoplasty

Face and Neck Liposuction

Chin Implant Surgery

Brow Lift

Dr. Raghu uses a brow lift procedure to allow patients to achieve a youthful, more refreshed look by softening the forehead, decreasing frown lines, and raising the position of the eyebrow line. His “natural”-appearing brow lift is regularly performed in sequence with other cosmetic methods to achieve a more similar facial appearance. A brow lift is also relevant for the treatment of specific inherited traits. Growing adults who have a low brow or who already have deep frown lines due to pressure or over the movement of muscles may benefit from the brow lift procedure as well.

  • Sagging or low position of the eyebrows, forming a tired or sad appearance
  • Deep horizontal creases over the forehead
  • Frown lines, between the eyebrows and sometimes over the top of the nose

Dr. Raghu Explains

Brow lift concerns include excessive forehead wrinkling from holding up the eyebrows, difficulty seeing upward from excess skin pushing down the eyelids, deep lines between the eyebrows, and styling hair over the forehead to hide wrinkle lines. The analysis of the forehead is intimately engaged with the hairline above and the eyebrows/upper eyelids below, so carried together there are many various anatomic features of each of these fields that must be addressed prior to your surgery. I will coordinate the features of your analysis with your expectations, Made a plan with you, and guide you in this process. There are many different procedures and incisions to use, so brow lift surgery is more creative, more natural, and safer than ever before.

The surgery involved in brow lift and forehead rejuvenation in my practice involves:

Open (Incision): Brow lift in which an incision is performed at the hairline or behind. The sagging tissues are detached down to the eyebrow level and raised up. Then the excess is trimmed, and the incision is sewn up.
Closed (Endoscopic): Brow lift in which four to five incisions are applied to insert a camera and instruments just behind the hairline to detach the sagging tissues and lift them up.
Reversal of Brow Lift: For patients who have already had a method and the eyebrows are extremely high or extremely arched, the method can at times be reversed.

Virtually quickly after surgery, you see your result, and it just grows better with time. All of the stitches are easily removed in five to seven days, and the recovery is fast, with the back to work in as little as four days and to some physical workout within the first week.

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